• Who Should Be Drinking Coffee?

    Scientists have long believed that coffee is beneficial to our health. It helps our heart function normally and now scientists believe that we should drink four shots of espresso per day or cups of coffee containing equivalent amounts of caffeine. This idea was put forward by a group of German researchers who found that coffee affects the cells in our blood vessels, making them perform as though they were younger than they are. Older adults can this benefit from the stimulus that coffee provides to their cells.

    The results of two major studies of coffee drinkers, one carried out in the US by the National Institutes of Health studied more than 400,000 people and the other conducted in Europe studied 521,330 people. Both found that people who drink coffee are less likely to die from heart disease. This particular finding debunks the old myth that people with heart problems shouldn't drink coffee.

    Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver, a lower risk of developing some cancers, a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and are less likely to suffer from depression than people who don't drink the brew.

    But what if you don't like the taste of coffee? Green tea might be the answer to this question as it contains similar amounts of caffeine.

    A word of warning though before you overdo your intake of caffeine. Too much caffeine can make your heart beat faster, and cause other health problems. Different people have different reactions to caffeine. One person might easily be able to drink four or five cups of coffee a day, while another person might suffer adverse effects. Scientists have also said that as caffeine can be responsible for making blood vessels grow, this can have the effect of giving more oxygen to boost cancerous tumors. So if you have been diagnosed with cancer, stay away from coffee.

    Cardiologists say that coffee may (it hasn't yet been proven) reduce arrhythmias in those who have irregular heartbeats. Coffee is not the answer, in itself, to living a long life. Everyone should exercise regularly and eat healthy food. Avoid additives and preservatives as well as food that has been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. Eat organic produce, even if it is more expensive, if you want to improve your chances of living to a ripe old age.

    Coffee is not a panacea, but research studies have found that it can improve longevity and lower the risk of contracting certain diseases.





















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  • should You Drink Coffee Daily?

    The experts now agree that coffee is good for us, as long as it is drunk in moderation. Four espressos a day is fine, apparently. Just as well for Italians, who thrive on the stuff!

    It seems that coffee protects our livers from cirrhosis as well as improving our blood circulation. It can also help protect us from certain cancers, particularly those of the prostate, the pancreas, and the bladder, to name just a few.

    It also protects our teeth from decay and it is a wonderful source of antioxidants which protect us from the free radicals in our bodies that can cause cancer. Of course, we also get antioxidants from fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as other foods, but coffee contains 600 times the antioxidants than fruit.

    Antioxidants can delay the aging process, giving our skin its youthful elasticity. They can help combat wrinkles and the crows feet that form around the eyes as we age.

    Science has found that if you drink between 3 and 5 cups of coffee a day, it can protect you from developing dementia, Parkinson's disease and that all being so, it can also help you live longer.

    coffee can also combat depression and so it can cut the risk of suicide. Of course, it would be best if you drink black coffee without sugar. Sugar certainly isn't good for us. If only we could wean ourselves off it, we'd be much healthier.

    Coffee has a part to play in the Mediterranean diet, as people who live in the Mediterranean area tend to drink a lot of coffee. They don't usually have milk in their coffee, think about Greek coffee, for example. Recent research studies have shown that dairy products are bad for us. Milk deprives our bones of calcium, and cheese and milk have both been linked to risks of prostate cancer. The advertisers have done a great job in persuading us that milk is good for us. It isn't! Also, children of both sexes can develop acne from consuming dairy products.

    Naturally, everyone reacts differently to coffee. Some people experience panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, disturbed sleep, and headaches because of their caffeine intake.

    The brew certainly improves mental alertness, which is why a lot of people drink a cup of coffee just after they wake up in the morning. Just the smell of freshly brewed coffee usually makes us feel better and more awake.

    So let's carry on drinking coffee, secure in the knowledge that it's good for us, as long as we don't put sugar and milk in it.























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  • Health  benefits and risks of drinking coffee

    When people think of coffee, they usually think of its ability to provide energy boost. However, according to some research, it can also offer some other important health benefits, such as a lower risk of liver cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart failure.

    Worldwide, experts estimate that people consume around 2.25 billion cups of coffee per day.

    Researchers  have looked at the benefits of drinking coffee for conditions such as  diabetes , cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and liver disease. There is evidence to support some, but not all, of these claims.

    Coffee contains a number of useful nutrients, including riboflavin ( vitamin  B-2), niacin (vitamin B-3),  magnesium ,  potassium , and various phenolic compounds, or  antioxidants . Some experts suggest that these and other ingredients in coffee can benefit the human body in various ways.

    This article looks at the health benefits of drinking coffee, the evidence supporting those benefits, and the risks of drinking coffee.

    5 benefits of drinking coffee

    The potential  health benefits  associated with drinking coffee include:

    In the sections below, we cover these benefits in more detail.

    1. Coffee and diabetes

    cups of coffeeCoffee may help prevent type 2 diabetes and some other conditions.

    Coffee may help protect against type 2 diabetes.

    In 2014,  researchers  who gathered data on over 48,000 people found that those who increased their coffee consumption by at least one cup per day over 4 years had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes than those who did not increase their intake.

    A  meta-analysis  from 2017 concluded that people who drank four to six cups of either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee each day appeared to have a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, including type 2 diabetes.

    2. Coffee and Parkinson's disease

    Various studies have shown that caffeine, which is present in coffee and many other beverages, may help protect against Parkinson's disease.

    One team concluded that men who drink over four cups of coffee per day might have a  fivefold  lower risk of Parkinson's than those who do not.

    In addition, the caffeine in coffee may help control movement in people with Parkinson's, according to one 2012  study .

    The findings of a 2017 meta-analysis suggested a link between coffee consumption and a lower risk of Parkinson's disease, even among people who smoke. This team also found that people who drink coffee may be less likely to experience  depression  and cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer's.

    There was  not enough evidence  to prove that drinking decaffeinated coffee would help prevent Parkinson's disease, however.

    3. Coffee and liver cancer

    Italian researchers found that coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by around  40% . Some of the results suggest that people who drink three cups per day might have a 50% lower risk.

    Also, a 2019 literature  review  concluded that “ coffee intake probably reduce the risk of liver cancer.”


    4. Coffee and other liver diseases

    A  meta-analysis  from 2017 concluded that consuming any type of coffee appeared to reduce the risk of liver cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and  cirrhosis .

    People who consume coffee may also have a lower risk of  gallstone  disease.

    In 2014, researchers looked at coffee consumption among people withprimary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). These are autoimmune conditions that affect the bile ducts in the liver.

    They found that people with PSC were  more likely  to have a lower coffee intake than those without the condition. There was no evidence to suggest that coffee intake was different among people with or without PBC.

    Also, one 2014  study  suggested a link between coffee consumption and a lower risk of dying from nonviral hepatitis-related cirrhosis. The researchers suggest that drinking two or more cups of coffee every day might reduce the risk by 66%.

    5. Coffee and heart health

    One 2012  study  concluded that drinking coffee in moderation, or consuming around two 8-ounce servings per day, may protect against  heart failure .

    People who drank moderate amounts of coffee each day had an 11% lower risk of heart failure than those who did not.

    One 2017  meta-analysis  found that caffeine consumption may have at least a small benefit for cardiovascular health, including  blood pressure .

    Some studies, however, found higher levels of blood lipids (fat) and  cholesterol  in people who consumed more coffee.






















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